It's been a really long winter. The weather has been horrible. There's literally been a snowstorm every three days for the past two months. This past week was the first week Isabelle has had since December without a school cancellation or delayed opening. So needless to say, I'm not getting a lot of work done.
I keep plugging away on finding a good way to attach the unicorn mask to its hood, and have rediscovered in the process that Velcro can only be sewn, not glued, on just about any substance. Forget special glues or extra strength Stitch Witchery. Well, one small exception here- industrial strength self adhesive Velcro will stick to vinyl, but since I haven't yet found a way to glue vinyl to anything else, I'm not sure this discovery is particularly useful. Oh yeah, and industrial strength self adhesive vinyl will also stick to polyester ribbon, but this isn't useful either- the Velcro will shred the ribbon in about five seconds trying to fasten and unfasten the straps. Bleah. I keep hoping to find a way to glue or stick Velcro to straps, because I can't sew to save my life. I usually manage to con Brian into doing all the sewing for me.
Believe it or not, Isabelle was laughing her head off all through the above photo session! She's a great actress, isn't she? Not to mention patient and helpful with the masks!