Wednesday, October 21, 2009

White Rabbit Mask Commission Part 2

During our last thrilling episode, our bold heroine had just finished a mask sculpture in a blazingly fast twenty one hours. Tune in this week to see if she can actually make a mask before Halloween!

I positive cast the mask in Celluclay over the plasticine rabbit sculpture and let it dry with the help of a fan. Then I cut it off, reassembled it, filled the seams and added the hair texture with more Celluclay. I just got a new batch of Celluclay and don't know if it's because it's been reformulated or just because it's fresh and new, but it was so much smoother and took texture so much better than it has before. (For more about positive casting, see this earlier post here)

Here is the mask with texture freshly applied. The hair on the nose and muzzle looks rather schnauzer-ish, so I later sanded it down.

Here is Brian the hapless hubby modelling the mask with the flash going off in his eyes. I've tamed the hair texture somewhat, as well as sanded down the eyes, the nose, and inside of the ears. At this point I deemed the mask was ready for paint!

The customer sent me this wonderful traditional Aurthur Rackam illustration for ideas for colors.

I love this color scheme, with the creamy/yellowy white, the sepia undershadings, and brownish/reddish eyes and nose. That is one seriously wierd looking bunny though!

And.. (drumroll please).. the finished mask!

I added just a tiny bit of metallic copper paint to the irises, so that the eyes will flash when the customer moves his head. Overall I'm really pleased with how this mask came out.

And... as an added bonus, this is the only Sans Souci mask to date that is really two masks for the price of one. What a deal!


Antony Galbraith said...

Wow Carrie! That mask is really great! I think sometimes working under a time constraint can really push your creativity. When we have ample time available to create we get too fussy. There is a sense of life to this mask that really gives it a magical spirit. Well done!

Goblin & Griffin said...

That is gorgeous Carrie! And with celluclay too. (I think I must have underestimated its potential as a maskmaking material). The final paint job is exquisite too. I imagine you are going to be getting a lot of orders for this piece.

Branden said...

I really like the way you painted the mask. Did you hear back from the customer if the costume and mask were a success on Halloween?

Anonymous said...

Hi there,im doing a alice in wonderland themed alevel art project and wondered how you made your mask like how to sculptured it,or if you would sell one to me? thankyou

Anonymous said...

nice mask:) my name is Aaron your husband is my teacher.